TIN Certificate – Best Way To Make e-TIN Certificate

Tin Certificate is a written document proving that you are a proud taxpayer of Bangladesh. Taxpayer Identification Number is the full meaning of TIN. It is a special number with which taxpayers are identified. Just as your National Identity Card carries your identity, the Tin Certificate basically carries the identity of this taxpayer.

It is made up of several numbers and that number is single. The taxpayer identification number certificate is issued by the National Board of Revenue of the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, it usually has a 12-digit number. By using this website “secure.incometax.gov.bd” you can check or open a Taxpayer Identification Number.

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

TIN number is an identification number of the esteemed taxpayer paying taxes to the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Earlier 10 digit TIN number was available, 12 digit TIN number has been implemented from last 01/07/2024. Currently having a 12-digit TIN number and those having a 10-digit TIN number are asked to re-register and collect 12-digit numbers.

It will run till 31/12/2024. From 01/01/2025 10 digit tin certificates will not be valid. The National Board of Revenue (NBR) of Bangladesh has currently declared a 12-digit TIN number mandatory for taxpayers.

e-TIN Certificate | secure.incometax.gov.bd

Having a TIN certificate does not mean that you have to pay tax, you have to pay tax when you are eligible for taxation. The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has digitized the Bangladesh National Board of Revenue (NBR) with the aim of building Digital Bangladesh. You don’t need to visit Bangladesh National Board of Revenue (NBR) office to pay current tax or create a Taxpayer identification number Certificate.

The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has opened a website “secure.incometax.gov.bd”. By using this website  you can do an e-TIN Certificate with your national identity card and an active mobile number with the help of your smartphone. You can even pay your tax by sitting at home with an e-tin certificate.

Who Will Pay Income Tax

The question of how much income you have to pay in income tax must be on your mind, especially for those who are new taxpayers. The National Board of Revenue (NBR) maintains Four special criteria for paying income tax. If you are out of these criteria you don’t have to pay income tax. Try to earn more income so that you can be an honorable taxpayer of Bangladesh.


Criteria No. 1. A male citizen of Bangladesh who earns more than three lakhs.

If you are a normal working male person, you are under 65 years old and your annual income is more than 3 lakhs then you have to pay income tax.

Criteria No. 2. Above 65 years of age and earns more than three lakhs fifty thousand.

If you are a normal working female person ‍and your annual income is more than 3 lakhs 50 thousand taka then you have to pay income tax. If you are a working male or female person and You are over 65 years old and your annual income is more than 3 lakhs 50 thousand taka then you have to pay income tax.

Criteria No. 3. Any disabled person and annual income is four lakhs fifty thousand. 

If you are a disabled person and your annual income is 4 lakh 50 thousand or more than taka, then you have to pay income tax.

Criteria No. 4. Income less than three lakhs and have a TIN Certificate.

If your annual income is less than three lakhs and you have a Taxpayer identification number certificate then you have to submit zero return. It is mandatory for you to submit zero return.

How can I check my TIN certificate online?

  • Step No. -1: Visit govt. website “https://secure.incometax.gov.bd/TINHome.”
  • Step No. -2: Registration for TIN.
  • Step No. -3: Verify active mobile number.
  • Step No. -4: Set up  a user ID & Password.
  • Step No. -5: Check Taxpayer identification number Certificate.

Why a TIN Certificate Needed

In many cases, not employment or business, we have a mandatory Taxpayer identification number Certificate requirement. According to the rules of the National Board of Revenue, every citizen of Bangladesh whose annual income is at least 300,000 taka is required to obtain a tin certificate from the government of Bangladesh. The following are the most important reasons for taking a Taxpayer identification number Certificate.

  • To take ownership of the car.
  • In case of application for obtaining trade license for business.
  • In case of land, plot or flat registration in city corporation area.
  • To buy savings bonds.
  • Buy shares of any company.
  • In case of taking an import license.
  • To open your own company.
  • In case of taking up the profession of lawyer, doctor or engineer.
  • In accepting candidature for election.
  • In case of designation of a registered organization such as business organization, labor organization etc.

If you are not within the income tax payment conditions we discussed earlier. But even if you fall within the ten reasons mentioned above, it is mandatory to take your Taxpayer identification number certificate.

Advantage of Having TIN Certificate

The biggest advantage of having a teen certificate is that you can show that you are a proud tax payer of Bangladesh. Your money fills the deficit of the national budget of this country. You must be aware that 10 to 15% interest is deducted from your personal bank account every year, if you have a tin certificate you will be free from this problem.


It is mandatory to have your Taxpayer identification number certificate for taking a bank loan or credit card. For receiving various government incentives, you must have a Taxpayer identification number certificate.

Disadvantage of Having TIN Certificate

One disadvantage of the Taxpayer identification number certificate is that you must file a return every year whether or not you have taxable income. If you don’t file returns, all your money will be treated as black money and the government can take legal action against you. If your taxable income is nil for three consecutive years then you do not have to file income tax return for the fourth year. If you want in the fourth year you can apply to cancel the tin certificate. You must pay income tax return every year even if you submit zero return till the application is accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I get a TIN certificate?

  • Ans. In order to start business, every company must receive a Taxpayer identification number Certificate from NBR. You can do a Taxpayer identification number Certificate with your national identity card and an active mobile number with the help of your smartphone.

What Is a TIN Certificate?

Ans. Tin Certificate is a written document proving that you are a proud taxpayer of Bangladesh. Taxpayer Identification Number is the full meaning of TIN.

What is the TIN certificate number?

  • Ans. TIN number is an identification number of the esteemed taxpayer paying taxes to the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Earlier 10 digit TIN number was available, 12 digit TIN number has been implemented from last 01/07/2024.

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